A Semi-exclusive range of specialist Buy-to-let products aimt to provide a suite of brad and specialist criteria for an additional layer of extraordinary property or loan types beyond that typically catered for in the specialist Buy-to-let market.
Key Features:
Extra Large HMO. Products designed for Large HMOs 9 bedrooms or more.
Semi-Commercial Extra. For properties with Residential and Commercial components combined, where Residential Valuation and Rental Income are both in excess of 60% of total for the property.
Holiday Lets Extra. Products for holiday lets where the holiday let income can be utilised.
Extra Large Loan. For landlords who wish to finance properties that may require a maximum loan of up to £5m
Extra Large HMO
- Up to £1.5 million maximum loan
- Up to 65% LTV
- ICR at 125% for Ltd Cos and Basic rate tax payers, 145% for Higher rate and 135% for mixed
- Rental income over £100k acceptable across all FT extra products on a common law tenancy (not AST)
Semi-commercial Extra
- Residential Valuation and Rental Income must be in excess of 60% of total for the property
- Maximum loan up to £3 million
- Up to 70% LTV
- Rental income over £100k acceptable across all FT extra products on a common law tenancy (not AST)
Holiday Lets Extra
- Using high, medium, low rental figures average taken over 39 weeks
- Maximum loan up to £3 million
- Up to 70% LTV max
- ICR at 125% – just key average monthly income into the calculator!
- Rental income over £100k acceptable across all FT extra products on a common law tenancy (not AST)
Extra Large Portfolio
- Up to 70% LTV
- Max £2 million per application available only for inclusion in portfolios above £5 million
- Available for single occupancy BTL, HMOs, large HMO (to max 8 beds) and standard Short term let (using AST), and Holiday lets
- Rental income over £100k acceptable across all FT extra products on a common law tenancy (not AST)
Extra Large Loan
- Maximum loan of up to £5 million up to 60% LTV
- Maximum loan of up to £3 million up to 70% LTV
- Available for single occupancy BTL, HMO (up to 6 occupants) and standard Short term let (using AST)
- Rental income over £100k acceptable across all FT extra products on a common law tenancy (not AST)
Get in touch today to find out more – helpdesk@brightstarfinancial.co.uk
Product information correct as of 25/09/2023. For intermediaries only.